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Team Jackson: I'm back, with a couple of new additions

Discussion in 'Say Hello!' started by labgirl, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. labgirl

    labgirl Forums Sage

    Feb 22, 2009
    Suffolk, UK
    Hi all! Some of you will remember me, others will not, so I thought I better reintroduce myself.

    I am Sophie, head of Team Jackson, lol, owned and cleverly trained by my assorted dogs!

    First there is Cadbury, my chocolate labrador, who was the originator of my forum name, labgirl. Cadbury is now 9! Where does the time go? He is still my big, goofy guy. Not much sense in his head, even as he grows old disgracefully.

    Next is my wonderful Merlin, now 6 years old, and my really special boy. My first sheltie who sold me on the breed and my heart dog. He has gone Grade 5 in agility, and earned his Agility Warrant Bronze, taking me on a journey I never would have imagined before I got him!

    Third is my lovely Sparrow, a liver and white working cocker spaniel. There was always going to be a spaniel in my life, cockers and shelties are my two favourite breeds. She has just turned 3 and is a real character, full of life and enthusiasm! She loves to train and work, and her drive is endless, though it doesn't always take her in the right direction on the agility course!

    The newest addition to the team is Swift, a sable sheltie girl born in February. She was meant to be a tri, but that didn't pan out and instead I have my pretty girlie with the pricked ears. She is bred by Lian Knights of Licosateria and is my next agility prospect. Her dad has won the team event at Crufts and has already qualified for 2018. Swift is a complete contrast to Merlin as she is so outgoing and bold, just what I wanted. She is a little bit stubborn, and very determined, but a joy to train, even when she does bite my ankle!

    Last, by not least, is the honorary member of Team Jackson. Angel is my brother's dog, she is a rescued racing greyhound who came along to fill the hole that Vixen his collie left behind when she suddenly died. Angel joined us in October 2016 and was scared of her own shadow, but has now blossomed into a cheeky, loving girl, who knows her own mind and likes nothing better than to talk to you. She is very good with the small dogs and our cat. And it is very amusing to see Swift try to chase her around the garden. Angel does obedience with my brother and is one of those rare greyhounds that can sit.

    Well, that's all of us! Quite the mixed bag but we jostle together nicely!
    corbinam, Cleo2014 and Hanne like this.
  2. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Sophie, welcome back. I've missed your posts on all your dogs, you kept us mightily entertained with Cadbury stories. Your new girl Swift is adorable and I love her name. And the photo of Angel is wonderful. I love greyhounds also. Looking forward to hearing stories of all your furkids and Swift's agility career.
    labgirl likes this.
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    I was hoping that you would post - I noticed the Swift addition to your signature in your thread about Merlin...
    Congrats on the cutie pie:yes:
    labgirl likes this.
  4. Daisy1015

    Daisy1015 Forums Enthusiast

    May 2, 2014
    Wow that is quite a pedigree! Sounds perfect for you
    labgirl likes this.
  5. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    From one chocolate lab to four all sorts - you just keep growing them! Love seeing a picture of Mr Cadbury, and isn't Merlin a really pretty boy.

    Is Swift a hopeful thinking for agility name or did you name her after the bird like Sparrow?

    I'm really sorry to hear about Vixen, I remember she had a lot of issues with hip problems and fear aggression. Wasn't she about the same age as Sparrow? I'm guessing your brother isn't working Angel as a farm dog?
    labgirl likes this.
  6. Cleo2014

    Cleo2014 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2015
    Terre Haute, Indiana
    Awe Swift is so cute! I just admire how beautiful Merlin is a well. Glad you are back. :)
    labgirl likes this.
  7. labgirl

    labgirl Forums Sage

    Feb 22, 2009
    Suffolk, UK
    Thank you everyone, it is nice to be back! We certainly are a mixed bag, lol! Actually it has been a bit strange having two dogs of the same breed in the house, haha!

    Both, lol! I have a theme with the dogs' names after Cadbury of British birds (the Merlin being a bird of prey). But I also thought it was a great name for an agility dog. If she had been a tri she would have been called Magpie.

    She was about six months younger than Sparrow. She passed unexpectedly in her sleep last March. My brother was devastated and it took a long while before he could think about another dog. Unfortunately, around the same time there was an outbreak of disease among the sheep on the farm and most of the flock was lost, including my brother's sheep that he kept there. So now there are no sheep to herd, even if he had a sheepdog.

    Anyway, after a lot of talks my brother thought a retired greyhound might suit him. Then we just had to find one! Quite the ordeal because many of the rescues locally just ignored us! We were asking for a cat friendly greyhound and no one seemed interested in helping us. Then I asked my friend who works in labrador rescue if she knew anyone and she put me in touch with an amazing lady at the Birmingham Greyhound Protection. All I can say is that lady was fab. We were home-checked and almost at once she found Angel for us. She had literally just come into kennels from Tipperary, Ireland. She spent a week in a foster home assessing her around cats (I believe the foster had four or five?), and we drove 4 hours with all my dogs in the car to meet her! She came home with us then and there, quite a juggling act as she had to sit on the back seat with my brother, while Cadbury was perched on the front seat in a car harness.

    That was October and she has been brilliant for my brother. I was so relieved he had her over Christmas, as I knew that would be a tough time for him. Its also amazed me how they have both taken to going to obedience class! I never thought my brother would keep that going, but he is a regular on Monday nights now, lol!

    They are a right pair!

    Attached Files:

    corbinam likes this.
  8. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    that is awesome that you were able to find the right dog for him. there's nothing like doing things with your dog:smile2:
    labgirl likes this.
  9. labgirl

    labgirl Forums Sage

    Feb 22, 2009
    Suffolk, UK
    Absolutely. She has been perfect for him :)

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