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Thoughts on Antlers as a chew?

Discussion in 'Treats & Supplements' started by Wendy C, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. Wendy C

    Wendy C Forums Enthusiast

    May 30, 2019
    thanks Sharon I will give them a try. So far he has never chewed anything other than his things and I want to keep it that way! lol
    Sharon7 likes this.
  2. HikerDog

    HikerDog Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 28, 2019
    We have a variety of chews for Toby just to keep him interested. He has an antler that he really likes (but usually loses interest in 5-10 minutes) it's cut in half lengthwise to expose the softer middle.

    We got recommended a Himalayan Chew which is a very hard compressed cheese but is 100% digestible. He likes that too I'd say about just as much. He chews on them mostly when he's bored and not for the sheer joy or taste.

    We just picked up a product called "No Hide" which was another recommendation on this site that we got. It's brown rice and whatever flavor they have - we picked a venison one - and he adores this one the most. They come in a variety of sizes so you can get a larger one to last longer. He's had his for a couple days (we do take it from him so it's a special treat so he's not able to chew on it all day though)

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