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2011 Northeast Meet Up

Discussion in 'Events' started by take4roll10, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. LI_mom

    LI_mom Forums Novice

    May 2, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    hi all

    Hi - I'm new to the forums here, stumbled upon them while researching shelties. I'm Lori, have a beautiful but crazy 2yr old sable sheltie, Penny Lane. I'm in Port Jefferson, Long Island and would love to bring Penny up to Kent to meet other shelties & families in the fall. One question:
    I would also bring my 7 yr old daughter, she absolutely loves dogs and Penny is her baby! would anyone else be bringing children?
    Thanks & nice to meet you!
    Lori :smile2:
  2. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    Somehow I missed this whole thread. I would love to come if I can ride up with Clantyresheltie. I will pm her and ask.
  3. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Things are little busy for me right now, but as soon as everythung winds down, I'll try. To figure out a meet in Sept.

    Just in case someone didn't read through the thread, there is no meet up tomorrow.
  4. jujubarbie

    jujubarbie Forums Novice

    Jun 27, 2011

    i'm new here love the idea of a meetup. i live in vt but originally from ct i am very familiar with kent as we used to picnic and fish there a lot. hope i can talk hubby into going. I have a beautiful bi-black sheltie i named mr.bojangles but my husband calls him chewy. i was just looking for some information on a cut recommended for shelties just to neaten him up and make him a little more comfortable but no success
  5. Henrys

    Henrys Forums Regular

    Jun 8, 2011
    Bloomfield, CT

    Near Massachusetts is good for Angus and the two other Shelties in the Windsor-Bloomfield Pack. We cd even suggest the picnic area in Penwood State Park,or if fenced free-running is vital, perhaps Rocky Hill Dog Park.
  6. Henrys

    Henrys Forums Regular

    Jun 8, 2011
    Bloomfield, CT
    Hi Lori

    First, welcome!
    Ro and I have a grown-up son but we would fuss and make nice with any child at the meet-up; that said, she's likely to have the best time if there are also some other kids.
    If it were in Bloomfield--and I am ten steps ahead of myself--you cd take the ferry to Bridgeport, the route 8 to 84 to 91--all quick highways.
  7. Sharon

    Sharon Forums Sage

    Feb 27, 2008
    Southeastern Ct
    Northeast Get Together

    i was just looking for some information on a cut recommended for shelties ` to neaten him up and make him a little more comfortable but no success[ You do not cut shelties hair.There are no hair cuts for shelties at all.
  8. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Sharon is right...cutting a sheltie's fur is a bad idea. In fact, their double-coated fur actually keeps them cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.

    If you're looking for grooming tips, you can always check the grooming section of the forums. I can also recommend "The Illustrated Guide to Sheltie Grooming". You'll find that a lot of us on the forum do our own grooming. Finding a good sheltie groomer who knows what they are doing is REALLY hard.
  9. Henrys

    Henrys Forums Regular

    Jun 8, 2011
    Bloomfield, CT
    Images of Angus and his pack at last!

    Here is Angus. Now have learned how to upload pictures to an album, which apparently does not work on the iPad but works fine on the desktop computer. So please take a look at my pride and joy and his best friends in the Angus Album.
  10. Henrys

    Henrys Forums Regular

    Jun 8, 2011
    Bloomfield, CT

    So, not to be pushy, and I would absolutely attend at another site: I will contact the State of CT official to see if one cd reserve the picnic area at Penwood State Park, and puut up some portable fencing, for a weekend afternoon in early Oct (gorgeous foliage then) and once I have answers, will post and see if it should become a go-ahead. They already have grills for public use, and a big pavilion that would give shelter if sudden rain or bright sun, and clean tile bathrooms. It's also a mile from my home (we always walk there and my home cd be the backup/emergencies/command center) and near Houseofshamus. There is just one park road which I wd ask the DEP person if one cd have closed for a few hours (unlikely but worth asking--when they close the road for the season the park belongs purely to a few dog folks and some runners and bird watchers and is much safer for free-ranging dogs (against the rules but often happens). If you want a peek, Google it. If there is serious interest I can post some pix of the relevant areas. Needless to say, if it happens I hereby invite Kelly.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011

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