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Best chew?

Discussion in 'Treats & Supplements' started by yodachoda87, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Just make sure whatever you buy the product is not made and ingredients are not sourced from China. With the spate of animal deaths and illnesses from jerky and similar products I'm surprised any one still sells them, but they do I guess because it's cheap. And even tho a product says it's made somewhere doesn't mean the ingredients are sourced from the same place. I avoid any product that doesn't state where the ingredients come from.
  2. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    assorted likes

    my girls love lamb ears...followed by trachea rings...and duck feet are proving to be a hit, though I find them rather gross. Pig spirals keep Savannah amused...Kaleigh liked them during the teething phase but doesn't now. I tried pig snouts...omg, gas producing in both, never again, though they really liked those.

    Our natural pet store has rows of dried parts of everything...some just freak me out so the girls can't have them. Kaleigh found an antler piece on our mt land in the height of her chewing phase, she loved it, it didn't seem as hard as those sold. Savannah is my mulch maker. have teeth will shred for hire. Such a lil recycler.
  3. RikyR

    RikyR Premium Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Baton Rouge LA
    Zulu loves bully sticks. He will stick with it till it's gone, so he gets one or two a week, or when we want him occupied for a while. He also loves dried sweet potatoes, but they only last a few minutes. He did not care for antlers.
  4. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Missy loves himilayan chews, but I have to get the smaller ones. She doesn't like the big ones. You have to watch out for when they get too small. Missy freaked me out one night because she jumped in my bed and I could feel something hard on the side of her mouth. It was the dang himilayan chew, down to the last little bit. I guess she was trying to be a chipmunk and storing it in her cheek? Not interested in antlers. I bought her a regular one, she had interest for about 5 minutes. Then I bought her a split antler because I heard that might be more appealing. That held her interest for a little bit longer, but ultimately she didn't like it. Rawhide is our go-to chew. I buy the retriever rolls from petco and she gets one every night, sometimes every other night. That's the best size for her. It's small enough where she won't get bored, big enough to entertain her long enough. I also recently bought one of those Starmark Everlasting Treat Balls. Not sure what the definition of everlasting is, but it was gone in about 2 hours. I'm pretty sure she just dissolved it by licking it.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
  5. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    We do low odor USA bully sticks. I buy the thin ones for the two shelties and thicker ones for my shepherd. We get them a couple times a week and our teeth are in good shape.

    Did bones for awhile. Great interest, great dental, when the shepherd swallowed a piece I sweated it and that was it for them.

    Did tendons. They liked them but the ones I got were too tough for shelties. Shepherd got them.

    I got rabbit sticks. That was enjoyed by all.

    Antlers were untouched even after I soaked them/boiled them in broth.

    No on rawhide though I hear pressed rawhide is OK.
  6. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    mine love their rawhide circles. They are American made. followed by the yak chews, followed by any newspaper or paper products they can find :lol:
  7. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Personally I hate rawhides. Lexi once threw up an entire chew, intact, a day after chewing it. Bentley has intestinal issues to begin with and I'm not interested in feeding something that doesn't digest easily.

    Himalayan chews are a big hit here, but I doubt they would last long. I give them to the dogs for 10-15 minutes at a time.

    I have yet to find a bully stick that doesn't smell bad (I have a very strong sense of smell), not to mention they also last about as long as the Himalayan chews.

    I have 2 dogs that are enh on the antlers, and one who loves them. They last forever.
  8. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Oh yeah, I forgot Shelby's most favorite chew would be a paper towel tube!!! She goes crazy when she sees us change out the paper towels!
  9. Saturn_skye

    Saturn_skye Forums Regular

    Nov 9, 2014
    Eastern Illinois
    All of the chews…

    We have had success with bully sticks, bully stick spirals, and bully sticks braided with rawhide. Declin is also a fan of tendons, and basically anything he can pluck with his incisors, which usually results in my brother telling me that he has "snot" hanging from his teeth when he smiles at him.

    Smartsticks (a vegetable alternative to rawhide) have also been successful. Especially the peanut butter ones. Antlers are appreciated as long as he can needle-nose the spongey part, after that, we lose interest. Sometimes we go for a piggy ear, but not always.

    He has gotten a beef rib once… He seemed to enjoy it when it still had the meat on it… But lost interest after that. The same goes for the Red Barn filled bones (not much of a chew, but it does keep him busy).

    I just ordered various dried animal parts… So we'll see how he likes them once they get here.

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