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Case of kennel cough, maybe?

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by Jason_C, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Very sorry to hear this news, Jason. :cry:
  2. Jason_C

    Jason_C Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 27, 2022
    I don't know how much you can tell from the scan, but there's definitely an issue of collapsing trachea, too. And she said that where the trachea connects to the lungs, it looks like there's a lot of mass there that's blocking the entryway.


    The Prednisone and Doxy MIGHT help, of course, and if so then they'll refer me to an oncologist. But then I have to make the tough choice of whether to do surgery and chemo for a 13 year old dog, or if that's just torturing her for no reason :-/
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Oh man, not what I expected to hear; and you either. I am very sorry you are facing this dilemma. My advice is don't make any big decisions till you've talked to the oncologist. The specialist should be able to guide you with solid information and advice. I don't know how invasive or difficult such a surgery would be but one thing to keep in mind is most dogs tolerate chemo very well, they don't have the awful side effects people do, generally.

    Katy has a tremendous advocate in you, you know her best and will make the right decisions for you both. :hugs
    Ann likes this.
  4. Jason_C

    Jason_C Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 27, 2022
    My dad passed last year with COVID. That was extremely hard, because he was in perfect health before that! He had all of these dreams and goals, and then his health went from perfect to life support inside of a few weeks. At the end, he was in complete denial; he truly thought he was going to get better. He was NOT ready to go!! Which made it so incredibly hard on all of us.

    That's exactly how Katy is. She was just playing fetch with me last week! Running, barking, playing, having a great time! Tonight, she REALLY wanted to play, but started coughing almost immediately.

    That's by far the hardest part. If she was lethargic and "checked out" then it wouldn't be so hard to brace myself. But when she's obviously wanting to run and play, but can't?

    Even worse... if I'd known that was our last time we'd get to play... ya know?
    Ann likes this.
  5. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    I DO know. Prednisone has made Faith feel GREAT for now. No more arthritis pain, she's running, playing, wrestling with Meadow and just having a blast. Which makes it SO HARD to fathom that she has limited time left. It's just a whipsaw of emotion. I just try my best to make every day a good one for her and make more great memories. I know you provide Katy with a wonderful, thoughtful life. Just keep on doing it, then no regrets.

    I'm very sorry about your dad. Covid is still killing folks. It's just not on most people's radar any more.
    Ann likes this.

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