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One up, one down

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by sp7028, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. sp7028

    sp7028 Forums Novice

    Apr 13, 2014
    My pup Gracie is 12 weeks now. When I got her both ears tips hung down. About 9 weeks old one ear stood straight up and one still tipped down. About 11 weeks both were up (I had decided to leave them both up). Then two days later the one tipped down again and is still down. My question is, what are the chances that ear will stand again and stay that way? I'd prefer they were both up or both down.
  2. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Callan's ears have been flying up and down for the last several weeks. He is almost 16 weeks now. As they start to teeth, their ears start acting wonky. I don't think it's anything to do teething per se, just the time when their bones and cartiledge just hit that next stage of maturity.

    So, I've decided to glue the ears after all, in hope that I can get them both to stay down.

    Most dogs will be consistent, both up or both down, but you do get the odd one where one ear will fly more than the other.

    If you are going to glue, I suggest you also brace between the ears as well to keep the ears high.....avoid the hound ears that my Bacca had because I had to stop gluing between ears.

    It's a personal choice, but I prefer tipped

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