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Pedigreelines - Should I or Shouldn't I?

Discussion in 'Pedigrees' started by k9kreationz, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I was wondering if I should upload my pups to pedigreelines.com. I think "no" because they're not show dogs. I think "yes" because they have done other great things (agility, CGC, and maybe a Rally title?).

    What do you think? Coming from the view of a breeder or non-breeder?
  2. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I say Sure! I think your pups' breeder must be proud of what they've achieved, and certainly the owners of your pups' parents (if different from the breeder) should be happy to see performance-titled offspring included on Pedigreelines.
  3. Phebe*DD

    Phebe*DD Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2009
    New Mexico
    I agree with Megan. As soon as we get a bit further along in Agility (and maybe Rally), I plan to add Phebe. I've been keeping her breeder updated on our progress and he's thrilled to have one of his pups earning agility titles. He told me as far as he knows Phebe is the first of his puppies to earn any performance titles.
  4. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I say yes, Bentley is on there, and I'll need to do Lexi soon.

    But, here's my caveat:

    It's actually a pain to put up non-AKC titles. For whatever reason, you can't just add titles (I think you used to be able to?) Now, they require you to email them a copy of the certificate. This only holds true for non-AKC titles, which is unfortunate because nearly all of Bentley's titles (other than CGC) are non-AKC (USDAA).

    And, USDAA is VERY slow in sending out their certificates. So it seems almost pointless to email in every certificate, and it's still not up to date. Also, it's a pain to scan and email every single one.
  5. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Id say sure! Its a giant database of records on shetlies and their backgrounds. doenst hurt one bit!! :)
  6. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    That kinda sucks. I mean, I know there's more to life than AKC. And Bentley's doing so well in USDAA!!!! I wonder why it's such a pain, considering it's not an AKC run site (is it?). I don't even get certificates in NADAC for titles. Loved that CPE just sends them to you automatically. So, I guess I'll just add his AKC titles for now. Will need to find out about NADAC.
  7. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll go put my boys on the site. I wonder if my breeder even goes there. Hmm...I should ask her.

    Can you update things easily? I'd like to update Koji's agility titles as we progress. And hopefully Miko will get a Rally title.
  8. HopeShelties

    HopeShelties Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 2, 2008
    It's not just a PITA about non AKC titles. Until AKC updates their website, or you send them a copy of the new title, they won't allow you to update new AKC titles either.
    Personally, I think it's just a huge PITA the way they've changed things to now. Used to, I could go in and update my dogs as titles came in. Now, I don't even bother because it's just too much trouble. In fact, I don't even add new dogs anymore, as I'm not going to scan each new dogs pedigree and fool with all of that nonsense. The site used to be MUCH more user friendly than it now is.
  9. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I'm glad I'm not crazy! I thought for sure that I used to be able to go in and just update their titles.

    I guess people were lying? Too bad, I really liked updating things there for anyone to peruse.
  10. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I guess with almost anything nowdays......unfortunately, there are people who abuse the system and who will lie about things to make themselves look better. And the only people that get hurt from it are the honest people just trying to help.

    Meaning, people probably lied about titles, pedigrees, etc. And now, the honest people have the hardest time updating things or getting their info into the system because of the bad seeds.

    I can see why they changed it, even if it does suck to update things. I've turned in my pedigrees already, so for now, we'll leave it at that.

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