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Sheltie Freaks Out When People Leave

Discussion in 'Behavior' started by kellymac, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. kellymac

    kellymac Forums Novice

    Feb 15, 2013
    I have a three/four year old Sheltie that I've had for the past two years. A year or so ago my dog started to freak out when guests left the house (barking, jumping up on the door, etc.). These were people that would play with him and pet him, and he wouldn't exhibit any sort of aggressive behavior to them (didn't matter if they were standing or sitting or walking around) until they opened the front door to leave. My way of dealing with this was to always put him on a leash when I knew people were getting ready to leave and give him a firm correction if he acted out, which seemed to work (as long as he was on the leash, that is).

    That method worked fine when I was living by myself and knew when people would be leaving my house, but I'm temporarily staying with friends right now. My dog has been to my friends' house hundreds of times, and he gets along well with everyone. However, when my friend opened the door to leave the house this morning, he suddenly freaked out and went running to the door barking so that she had to quickly shut the door to separate herself from him. I haven't ever had my dog bite or physically attack anyone, but it's still aggressive, scary, and unacceptable behavior.

    As this is their house, I can't exactly ask them to leave only when I've got my dog on the leash, and I can't control when they do and don't leave (for example, they might have to go outside to get something from their car or take out the trash–things I can't really predict). My dog doesn't seem to mind if my friends' kids leave the house, but if my friend or her husband tries to, then all bets are off.

    I was reading some other forums about dogs that flip out when people leave, but the explanations on those forums don't quite work for my dog (for example, on a different forum they were saying it might be dominant behavior towards people standing up, but again my dog doesn't seem to care if people are wandering around the house. Another person suggested that it might be aggression based separation anxiety, but my dog doesn't exhibit this behavior towards me at all).

    Anyway, as I'm a guest in this house I really don't want to have this happen again, so I'm open to any suggestions!!

  2. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Herding. He is trying to get his sheep to stop leaving where they are SUPPOSED to be :lol: Spitfire will do this on occasion with me as I head out the garage door.
  3. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    I have 1 sheltie that does this, mostly to kids. He has nipped people twice now, 1 time drew blood. The only thing I have found that works is either keeping him on leash when people leave or in a crate.

    He also charges the crate door when we leave. He kind of cured himself of that habit though, when his crate, which is stacked on top of another crate fell, and he was stuck in, the crate that was on end, for about 2 hours while I was gone. he still charges sometimes but not with the same intensity as he used to.
  4. melbell

    melbell Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 4, 2013
    Erie, Pennyslvania
    I have a male back in PA that would do this, but he does it to EVERY door. Needless to say, he's now 12 and barely has any teeth left... we just let him herd the door for many years. Then I've realized if I make him sit, then silently shut the door, he doesn't do it. I think honestly he hates the noise of the door shutting. I can't offer too much help, but recommend just grabbing your boy before someone leaves and either put him in a different room or in his crate.
  5. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    This is not unusual behaviour, esp for a herding dog. I've included links below to a couple of recent threads on the same topic. In the first link I outlined a training program for door behaviour.



    With your friend leaving - yes she is definitely part of the flock so he's just getting upset because his family is leaving. Quick and easy answer is put a container with kibble or very small treats near the door. When your friend leaves the house ask her to throw some behind her and he should go looking for the treats and leave her alone. Won't change the behaviour completely but it's an easy way to get out the door.
  6. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Shelby does this too. It is like she is yelling at us for leaving her behind. She charges the door and barks but immediately stops. Like she is yelling "JERKS!!!" at us. She doesn't do it to anyone else. We now give her a treat and leave. By the time she eats it we are gone. Today she was barking at DH because he was going outside to cut grass and she had to stay inside. It was kind of funny to watch hin tell her to stay inside and she would bark back at him.

    However angry she is she will not sneak out if you tell her to stay, and she never does it in her crate.
  7. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    I do not see any significance in searching WHY dog has this behavior. As with any behavior you have 3 options- redirect, manage and or fix it. Redirect by throwing kibble around the room prior to leaving, manage by crating dog prior to leaving, fix it by teaching dog to go to the mat behavior with favorite stuffed cone... just few suggestions...

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