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Training Success?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Training' started by Watson's Mom, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Have you looked into the Fenzi courses? There's a lot of really good courses you can do online, and supplement with socialisation you do yourself with the Dr Sofia Yin socialisation checklist https://drsophiayin.com/app/uploads/2015/12/Socialization_Checklist.pdf

    In fact, you could do one of Dr Amy Cooke's courses with the Fenzi Academy for Watson before you get your pup. I recall someone else here as done Amy's courses too. The new semester enrolment starts this week and I have to admit, I am considering doing the Multi-dog household course (and the Obedience games course because it looks like fun). There's also courses you can take any time - Baby Genius is a fun one for a pup. There's also workshop series (doing the 'Your Daily Zen' workshop next month seeing as I'll be stuck in quarantine). If you get a Bronze spot they are reasonably priced, but if you can pay extra for feedback from instructors.

    Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that nowadays there are endless options for training that don't involve going to a crappy instructor. You have the experience now after training Watson that you can use for the pup. Just find a play group and commit to doing your own socialisation. Kismet didn't get to classes until she was about 8/9mths because of lockdown and she's smart and well trained, a little timid thanks to lockdown but nothing she won't grow out of. Only thing she missed was being around pups her own age.
    Watson's Mom, DianeP, Sharon7 and 3 others like this.
  2. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    I think both honesty with the breeder and assessing on your own are important.

    When we chose Brodie, I had actually gone in to meet another pup. I waited 4 years for a blue or blue merle, chose a bi-black. Breeder was shocked! The male we had gone to see was interested in scarfs and jackets and the other pups, but never came up to us on his own. When I picked him up and cradled him, he squirmed and never settled, wanted down. One pup, a tri, was uber independent and while all the puppies were in one room with us, he was off exploring on his own. A female pup flirted non stop with my husband who desperately wanted her but she was being held to see if she developed as a breeding prospect (she is Deacon's mom). Then there was Brodie, he came up to us, nibbled on fingers and toes, went equally to my husband and I, just melted in my arms when I cradled him. Funny, we discovered after that Brodie photo bombed each of the pics we took of the pup we went to see. I say he chose us more than we chose him.

    With Deacon, we knew there were 3 bi-blue males, they were born on Brodie and mom's birthday so it was fate that we were on a list for mom's first litter - since we couldn't get her, we went on a list for one of her first babies almost immediately, not know if she would develop as expected. She did! With this litter, we got lots of videos so I was looking ahead of time for personalities. Deacon was picked on a lot by the other two bi-blue male pups, they were more rambunctious, more confident, developed quicker. Deacon often played with a bi-black female, they were together lots (fate!). Deacon was a pup who would come up to the breeder for snuggles when she would go and sit on the floor with the pups. The other ones would bore and go off to play and Deacon would love on her. He was slower to develop, but he is a wild, crazy guy now who is like a little kid playing with bubbles all the time. He loves life, he loves people, no one is a stranger to him, he smiles all the time. He LOVES Brodie, but is not a fan of other dogs at all. Used to be frightened of them, trainer says no more fear, he simply has no interest in them. But he hasn't met a human he doesn't like. We are having our road paved and he is not afraid of the machines, think all these folks are here to et him, goes right up to them. Shames Brodie into going up to people (he's a typical sheltie and backs off most times) because Brodie is jealous and can't be left out so now he's going up to guys too.

    Sit, observe, see who picks you, go with your gut. If none are a fit for you, I think you will feel it. Don't make an immediate decision unless you absolutely feel right then and there that THIS pup works for you. That way is fine if you are feeling it, leaving and pondering on your gut is also fine if you're not, walking away and waiting till next time is okay if you don't feel any bond.

    As far as training, I've done puppy playgroups with both - Deacon wasn't a fan. We did obedience and both Dogs have earned their Canine Good Citizen, Deacon did a star puppy as well. Deacon is currently in Rally, Brodie does agility. I like training for the social part of it for myself and getting one on one time. Brodie has earned his Novice title in Rally and almost Intermediate as well as 2 trick dog titles. Training is 24/7 as is socialization. Covid makes things hard, but not impossible. I like my training classes for me not for what she teaches me, but for the eye that catches things I am doing wrong or could be doing differently. I like them for my dogs because they are both different personalities with different challenges.

    Excited for you, whatever happens....
  3. DianeP

    DianeP Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2019
    Middleton, WI
    We’ve done all of Amy Cook’s Fenzi based classes and found them VERY helpful. I just started listening to podcasts by a trainer called Sarah Stremming on DogCog radio. Someone shared this with me and I find it very helpful in thinking about how to interact with my bonkers Mindy.
  4. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    Highly recommend Sarah Stremming and the cognitive canine:yes:
    Watson's Mom and trini like this.
  5. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    Roxy has been pretty awesome with this little Miss to be honest, if a little rough and tumble at play sometimes.

    She quietly moved in and took over like she’s lived here forever. But not in an obnoxious way at all. She’s just… confident. I think she’s going to be “the boss” but that might actually be what Roxy needs really.

    Watson accepted Roxy but he would have loved Piper. Calm. Quiet. Smart. Friendly. I’ve taken her to a couple of places already though I carried her because I can’t ever remember the recommendation on walking in public for pups. She’s tiny. So tiny compared to Roxy at the same age. And though she has her squirmy moments, she settles down pretty quickly.

    They both literally just put themselves down to nap.
    Ann, Sandy in CT, Calliesmom and 6 others like this.
  6. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Piper sounds like a perfect match! How many days has it been and did you have a hard time picking her? Can’t wait to hear stories about their adventures!
  7. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    We brought her home Saturday afternoon.

    The breeders took everything I had told them about what I wanted and picked her for us.

    She looks so much like Roxy but such a 180 in personality.
  8. Ron Atkinson

    Ron Atkinson Premium Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    Congratulations on getting your puppy. Sounds like it's going well so far. I hope that Roxy gets along with her new sibling.
    Please let us know how it goes and the many adventures you all will have.
  9. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    She does. I’m happy with that.
  10. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    So cute and so exciting!

    No paws on the ground in public until shots are complete. We did walks around our neighborhood when our two were small, but we live in a small community of 22 homes tucked away with very few 'outsiders' and never any outsider's pets; we know all dogs here and know they are vetted. I carried a blanket in my car for trips to Home Depot or Lowe's and would put it in the child seats when they were really little, sort of like cradling them but always with one hand on them. As they got older, I'd toss it in the cart area. I still carry something in my vehicle at all times. I'm not really a fan of them walking through stores, I prefer to drive them around in a cart.

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