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Trazodone - Help!

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by She-u, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. She-u

    She-u Forums Regular

    Oct 16, 2014
    Hong Kong
    Hello everyone, has any of your shelties been on this medication? Just that Benjamin has been on Fluoxetine for 8 months now and we may have to either double the dose or try out this new medication and am always very reluctant to give my baby anything new so I want to see if any of you have used it?

  2. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    The only experience I have had with Trazodone was for a foster dog who came into rescue with severe anxiety/hyper activity issues. Dogs, like humans, react differently to medications, but for this dog the Trazodone had no effect at all...I might as well have been giving him sugar pills.

  3. She-u

    She-u Forums Regular

    Oct 16, 2014
    Hong Kong
    Thanks Trini, it's really difficult to decide on this. The other option I have given is to double the dose of his current medicine which is to go for 20mg of Flouxetine, he's about 10.5kg.

    Benjamin is not calm at all when I'm around which in turns stresses me out too. :sadsmile:

    What I have also started these two days is using the Bach Rescue Remedy, just a couple of drops rubbed onto his ears, jaws etc....not sure if it is working but he is lying next to me now... :smile2:
  4. Sheltiemama

    Sheltiemama Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 15, 2012
    My Casey was on fluoxetine until we lost him 1 1/2 yrs ago. He started at 10 mg and shortly after we took him to 20. The change in him at 20 was nothing short of amazing! He went from being a very fearful dog (he had been abused and was in terrible mental shape when we got him) that paced and panted all the time, to a pretty normal guy! I was so happy that he got to live a more normal dog life! And I think he was too.
  5. She-u

    She-u Forums Regular

    Oct 16, 2014
    Hong Kong
    Thanks again Sheltiemama.

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