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He's home!!!!

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by Sandy in CT, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    Sandy - I have never used cages (inside) for my puppies and they have all been clean very quickly.

    Should the puppy be alone, then I have had a children grid in the doorway between the living room and kitchen.
  2. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    I love the name Brodie. And your little Brodie Boy is a charmer! (I have to say YOUR Brodie at least once, because I had my own Brodie)

    And I would love to hear the story about how Kody became Brodie. He's just a cutie- that's all there is to that.
    Sharon7 likes this.
  3. Pam

    Pam Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 4, 2017
    He is adorable and giving me the puppy mysties! Love the name Brody. I had older kids too and did find a compromise name, but that was only because I didn't have any name that I was really in love with. But yes, Brody will be home longer than your kids--I know just sent my two back to first year grad school...and missing them already. Beau slept by the door all day the first three days they were gone.

    Good luck with Brody, cuter he couldn't be!

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