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How much to feed

Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by The Quahog, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    The best way to get a dog to lose weight....stay at home. lol. Ever since my hubby lost his job, Miko has been trim. Mostly because he follows hubby everywhere. Koji has since gained some weight, but that's cuz he sleeps all day and well, he's matured too. lol.

    At their next check-up, Ill ask about their weights, because honestly, I like them at this weight. And since Koji has agility, I don't want him heavy. Trust me, even at that low weight, neither of their ribs are bony. Miko's backbone though is bony. lol.
  2. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Nice to know our opinions are valued :lol:
  3. Diana

    Diana Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    This is true of Buffy too. She eats less than half the recommended some days, although she does get treats. However, she looks like she weighs much more than she does because she has so much dang fur!

    Best way to get a dog to gain weight? Be at home sick with bronchitis/walking pneumonia for a month. Buffy (and I) need to go on an exercise plan!

    Nice! Buffy never sits on her armchair/throne at eats bonbons or treats. Never.... :wink2:

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