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Discussion in 'Behavior' started by Piper's mom, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    Well, all in all, good news. Just a sprain is better than an ACL tear.
    Hoping he gets some relief with the Meloxicam! Fingers and paws crossed.
    You are so right... having a great relationship with your vet and trusting them is the MOST important thing!
    Piper's mom likes this.
  2. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    It's just so frustrating...knowing SOMETHING is bothering him but not knowing what. She even felt his back, said a back injury they can sometimes feel down the leg...more common in front legs but does occur in back legs occasionally but nothing wrong there. Said it's possible his not wanting to go in the snow could be the uncertain footing (snow).
    Now of course he doesn't want to go outside unless I go with him and he won't walk around the yard to have a poop unless I walk with him (or he'll stick by me) and play with him! And the outside stairs well...he's banged his paw a few times from running up too fast (to get it over with fast) that he doesn't want to do them! I have to carry him up them. Hes just too darned smart lol.
    ghggp, Sandy in CT and Hanne like this.
  3. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    I have had the same vet for more than 30 years :yes::lol::lol:
    ghggp and Piper's mom like this.
  4. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    My goodness... carrying him is not good for you either! Can you make a ramp? I would hate for you to get hurt!

    When Liam was younger he would scream in pain and I could not find any reason for it. When the little girls were over they just reached out to give him a treat and he screamed... they were horrified and asked what they did to cause it. I told them nothing as he had done it before and I had no idea why. I had a chiropractor come ocer to give him an adjustment and he has not done it since. Do you think Finnie might need an adjustment?
  5. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    I'm not sure Gloria...perhaps if no improvement after a week and X-rays. He did definitely hurt it as I saw it happen. As to a ramp it's not that I have to pick him up lol but I'm a sucker to seeing him hurt himself on it....perhaps I need to take him out on leash and make him take the stairs slowly. He's getting skittish about them, not a good thing!I'm really hoping the Meloxicam does the trick...I think it's the repeated injury that's delayed his recovery.
  6. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Healing thoughts!
    DianeP and Piper's mom like this.

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