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Ginny and Gina's New Home

Discussion in 'Rescue Stories' started by DaGrinch, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Lynnel

    Lynnel Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 21, 2011
    Oceanport, NJ
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for having such a big heart. I know they will give you much joy as rhey settle in to one big happy family. Again thank you.

  2. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Southern middle TN
    You probably have done it but if not check fur between their pads. If it was not trimmed and is long their feet will want to slide more on hard floors and it might be part of the reason for the rug limits.

    Good looking crew though
  3. Georgie'sMom

    Georgie'sMom Forums Regular

    Apr 13, 2011
    Wishing you and your new family members many years of happiness-hang in there with love and patience. Our George, a rescue who never had been in a house or had socializing at all, is still hyper-vigilant, but oh, so much better week by week. He used to run from me, only wanted to be around my husband, and now he comes to me for treats and gets into that play with me posture. Jumps on the couch and gives me kisses--5 months ago, I would have NEVER thought this would happen. I have just been very quiet and non-demanding with him and built up the trust, as others have mentioned.
    It's such joy to see them come alive and accept love!
  4. DaGrinch

    DaGrinch Forums Regular

    Feb 20, 2012
    Western MD
    All of us who have chosen to adopt any animal, much less a Sheltie (or 2... or 3, and even a 4th!) do so to help. I never expected the outpouring of "Thanks" from everyone when I started sharing about Gina and Ginny, but it is appreciated for the girls' sake. No animal deserves to be treated the way some of these have been treated. While we, my wife and I, feel a calling in helping out these precious girls, the REAL people who deserve the most appreciation are those that run and help out at the Rescues. There's been so many lovable faces, cute snouts, pleading eyes and wagging tails that captured our hearts and we wished we had room for them all.

    Just a quick update - Gina still has her boundaries, but she does come over to be petted and made over if we are on the rug. Ginny is still skittish, but she is exploring the house little by little. We're keeping the girls together at night, and they are in the family room sleeping in the large cage which is not closed. We're looking at moving the cage upstairs to our bedroom, where our other girls sleep, maybe at the end of the week. Let them get accustomed to sounds and movements in our house. The house is a tri-level, so I'm thinking we should keep a gate at the top of the steps. Ginny can go up steps, but she is real apprehensive in going down. I haven't seen Gina move off the rug, so I don't know if she can go up or down. She'll let me pick her up and carry her to the kitchen for feeding. Gina is such a sweetheart - she just seems to have an old soul.

    Thanks again for everyone's well wishes and such. We're glad we brought Ginny and Gina into our family. :yes:
  5. rose

    rose Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 30, 2011
    i hope this does not seem like a dumb question, but i know you have girls. is there certine reasons, or just the way it seems to be ? i have always had mostly girls. i have 4 now. so just wondering
  6. DaGrinch

    DaGrinch Forums Regular

    Feb 20, 2012
    Western MD
    The reason for all girls? That's the way my wife wants it. She then out votes our son and myself 5 to 2! :lol: Besides, a happy wife is a happy life! If momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy! :yes:

    We had a male Cocker 17 years ago. She didn't like him marking his territory and she, for some reason, doesn't like to see a male hike his leg. A male Sheltie was a slight option, but she said he would have to be taught not to raise his leg. So, it's easier with all girls.

    Quick update..... Still very little progress on Gina and her boundaries. Ginny is beginning to interact a little more with us. She'll at least allow us to come over and pet her sometimes. They had their Vet visit on Friday. Both are in great shape, as we expected.
  7. famous seamus

    famous seamus Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2011
    new jersey
    Ginny and Gina

    Over the years we have had two boys and two girls. One of our boys hiked his leg once to mark territory but never did again. Out of all the shelties, it was our girl who hiked her leg to pee, just, well because she could I imagine.

    We passed no judgement on her, she was a free spirit :lol:

  8. DaGrinch

    DaGrinch Forums Regular

    Feb 20, 2012
    Western MD

    Gina and Ginny continue to show improvement slowly but surely. It's as much a learning experience for us as it is for the girls. They are teaching us they will go out and do their business AFTER they eat in the morning, not first thing like our other two Shelties. So, when I come into the family room first thing in the morning, I have their food all set for them, THEN they go out.

    Gina still won't come off the rugs. But, Ginny loves exploring the house when we bring the girls upstairs.

    I've gotten some tail wags from both Ginny and Gina, but I guess the one that warms my heart the most is from Ginny. Being skeptical of humans, she is taking her time to warming up. But when I get the treat bag out... She's up on her hind legs to see what's in the bag. :lol: Gina just stands there, kind of looks like she knows she'll get a treat as long as she's good.

    The next 10 days or so are going to be a little tough on me, the wife and the girls. I have to attend to some family business on the west coast and fly out on Monday. My wife is real apprehensive about taking over the duties, but she's a capable person - she just doesn't get up in the morning like I do. And me not seeing the girls for that period of time, when I get back we'll have to get reacquainted.
  9. sylvia

    sylvia Forums Enthusiast

    Just finished reading all the posts on Gina & Ginny,
    what a wonderful family you are - and these girls are so beautiful
    Thank you for being there for them and taking such great care of them.
    Looking forward to hearing about there progress.
    Sylvia & our shelties at home William, Patrick & Sophie
    and our two angels at the bridge Bonnie & Morgan.
  10. Dexter'sMom

    Dexter'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 29, 2011
    Ottawa Ont Canada
    ~ Bravo ~

    What a wonderful gesture to give these "Ladies" a wonderful forever home !!
    One thousand licks to you and bouquets too !!:yes:

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